
The Infiltrators (2019)
THE INFILTRATORS is a docu-thriller that tells the true story of young undocumented immigrants who get arrested by Border Patrol, and put in a shadowy for-profit detention center – on purpose. The protagonists are members of the National Immigrant Youth Alliance, a group of radical Dreamers who are on a mission to stop deportations. And the […]
Sleep Dealer
Sleep Dealer is my first feature film, a science-fiction set on the U.S. / Mexico border that imagines a strange - but not unimaginable - future of cybraceros, coyoteks, and disembodied border-crossers
Making of The Infiltrators
MAKING OF THE INFILTRATORS from Alex Rivera on Vimeo. A behind-the-scenes look into the documentary with narration by the directors Alex Rivera and Cristina Ibarra.
Before the Making of Sleep Dealer
First released as an extra-feature on the DVD and Blu-Ray versions of SLEEP DEALER, this is the story of what it took to get the film off the ground...
The Sixth Section
The Sixth Section is a groundbreaking documentary that blends digital animation, home video, cinema verité, and interview footage to depict the transnational organizing of a community of Mexican immigrants in New York.
The Borders Trilogy
The Borders Trilogy tells three small stories to illuminate a much larger one: the contradictions of a world order in which products freely cross borders that people may not.
DIA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA (Spoof of “Independence Day”)
DIA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA is a satirical movie trailer that mimics the cinematic obsession with 'alien invasions' (Men In Black, Starship Troopers, and of course, Independence Day).
Why Cybraceros?
Why Cybraceros? (5 min. 1997, USA) takes the form of a mock promotional film. It is based on a real promotional film produced in the late 1940's by the California Grower's Council, titled Why Braceros?
Papapapá (U.S.A., 1995) is an experimental documentary about immigration. Papapapá is a humorous look at race and immigration, television and nostalgia, distance and the many ways people deal with it.
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